Amen. Let's Eat!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
A Cook in the Making
I love to cook and more than that, I love to eat! I grew up thinking I was a terrible cook because I once made an angel food cake that was about an inch tall. I never went near the kitchen for years. I only wandered back in because, at the ripe old age of 19, I got married and well, my husband was pretty dead set on the idea that we should eat. I started making the basics. I think we had pasta every night for the first few months of our marriage. Then I introduced the chicken breast. Then seafood. It just spiraled from there. I started watching the Food Network and getting ideas. I began making up my own recipes and to my surprise- they were good! My husband, daughter and I all have a diverse palate so our menu is always something different. Of course we all have our favorite recipes that we tend to reuse, but I'm always looking for new recipes to spice up dinner time.
I've never really known what I wanted to be "when I grew up". At the top of my list was always a journalist. Scattered below on the list were a cook, a teacher, a travel agent. I am so fortunate that my current position of wife and mom allows me to dabble in all those areas.
My husband has told me many times that he would rather eat my cooking than go out for dinner and lately I have been asked if I'd ever consider opening a restaurant down the road. First things first, a blog of all my favorite recipes. A draft menu, perhaps. :)
I need to give some credit to my mom, my aunt Lyse, Emeril and Jamie Oliver because I will feature some of their recipes here as well.
Posted by Jen ::
1:52 PM ::

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